The following is an outline of seasonal maintenance based on standards created by Terrapin Landscapes professional horticulture staff. Standard practices for property maintenance are defined below. All work will be scheduled at the recommendation of Terrapin’s Director of Horticulture unless otherwise requested by the client in advance.

All work will be invoiced on a time and material basis at the rate of $75.00/hour. Materials commonly used during the growing season may include, but are not limited to fertilizer, mulch, compost and garden stakes. Yard waste will be removed from the property and a dump fee will be invoiced accordingly.

Invoices are created monthly and sent on the 5th of the following month.  Terms are net 30.  Late payments may interrupt service. Credit cards are accepted upon request for amounts under $3,000. Services renew each year automatically. Cancellation of services must be received in writing via email.  Services will be cancelled by the end of the day that notice is received, and a final invoice will be generated. 

Services outside of the standards defined below will be discussed with the client prior to being executed.  This would include design work, new plant installation, removing and replacing plants, annual color plantings, bulb plantings, holiday décor, tree work, and pest control services. Extra services may be requested by the client or may be recommended and presented to the client by Terrapin.   

Terrapin uses professional subcontractors to perform pest control services, lawn fertilization programs, tree work and irrigation work. Proposals for any of these services can be produced as requested, or at the recommendation of Terrapin Horticultural Staff. Annual lawn and pest control programs, once approved, will be renewed each year. 

Terrapin Horticultural Standards

Spring Clean-up
Leaf and Stick Cleanup
Remove driveway and path stone from lawn and gardens

Spring Garden Clean-up / Mulch Prep
Finish cutting back any perennials left for Winter interest
Prune trees and shrubs as needed
Prune any winter damage from trees and shrubs
Pull any early emerging weeds
Remove excess mulch build up
Edge beds (if needed)
Re-burry and pin down drip irrigation that has become exposed
Fertilize and apply pre-emergent weed control

Redefine bed edges
Spread mulch, compost, or combination to maximum depth of 2-3”

Bi-Weekly or Monthly Maintenance
Keeping the bare areas of beds free of sticks and debris
Cutting back plants as needed
Dividing/transplanting plant material as needed

Fall Bed Clean-up
Cutting back perennials to appropriate heights
Some pruning

Fall Clean-up
Leaf and stick clean up
Final Mow

I prefer to receive invoices by:
Primary/Mailing Address
Service Address(Required)


By signing below, you acknowledge receipt and understanding of Terrapin practices.  All communication regarding maintenance of your property should be directed to Siri Ames, Director of Horticulture, at or 207-967-0379.
