The 2018 Maine Flower Show Last month, we participated in the Maine Flower Show on Thompson’s Point. We really enjoy showing off our landscape expertise to many Mainer’s who are itching to see green grass and blossomed flowers. This year the theme was “Rooted in Maine.” A concept that evoked our desire to showcase the pride we have in our craftsmanship and horticulture activity. Our goal was to create a dining space that transported the visitor to a bouldered oasis at the base of their favorite Maine mountain, whether that be Cadillac or Bradberry. The stonework provided the framework for a landscape engulfed innative plants and trees, while the hand-carved bird bath boulder allowed the bystander to envision a place of respite for animals and avium, alike. At the end of the weekend, Terrapin Landscapes and partners walked away with six awards which set a new Maine Flower Show record! If you were at the show, you were able to read the description of the display, if you missed it, here is what the display read; “Maine is a unique place that is defined by rugged beauty and the character of its people and their traditions. The tools of...
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